Inside Look: Cory aka Mr. Daily Special


About Me

Hey guys/gals, my name is Cory hailing from a tiny town named Elberton, which right outside of Athens, Ga(Go Dawgs!) and I’m the creator and owner of I moved to Charlotte in September of 2018 after being in Augusta, GA(yep, home of the Masters) for about 10 years, so I’m still fairly new to the area like most people seem to be here. Growing up in a small, country town, food has always been a big part of my life. Charlotte is a great city that is currently growing and evolving right before our eyes, so I definitely wanted to be apart of the food and drink scene here as it’s BOOMING! There’s a new restaurant opening almost weekly it seems.  With so many new restaurants and bars opening, and all of the great already established options, of course I had to complete my foodie obligations and try them all :-) !



I was a foodie much before I moved to Charlotte. In fact, I’ve been a Yelp Elite (more on this coming in another post later) for several years now and love all things food. I’m not a picky eater so I’m the one usually stuck finishing off the items that people didn’t like(tough job I know). In fact, there’s only 1 food item that I truly hate and that is Jello. That texture, or lack there of, is just not for me *throws up*.  I’m definitely the one holding people up from eating so I can take pictures, despite the eye rolls! There are so many great food items out there that I don’t know if I can pick a true favorite, but I love all things Asian cuisine. Give me all of the sushi, pad thai, rice bowls, curry, and ramen please! I also love a great authentic Italian lasagna. So amazing!


Me after that first bite of lasagna

Me after that first bite of lasagna

Daily Special Charlotte: The start

Starting my site and constantly trying the latest and greatest food items around the city has been a ton of fun. Throughout my foodie adventures, I started discovering tons of food and drink specials around Charlotte that I didn’t even know existed! While I was living in smaller cities, I knew the best days to go to most of the restaurants to catch their specials and eat great for half the cost. This became much more difficult after moving to Charlotte with so many options. I started the site as a way to keep track of the many great food and drink specials around Charlotte, and to help others be able to do the same! I wanted an easy way for people to find all of the specials in in Charlotte in one centralized location, and be able to filter to find what they needed specifically, Thus, Daily Special Charlotte was born and my official foodie journey took a new step!


 About Daily Special CLT

One of the most asked questions that I’ve always heard always involve people looking for specials. Everything from “Where can I find some good drink specials today” to “Who has Taco Tuesday deals” were hard to give good answers for. Now those questions are easily answered using the site, and it in under a minute you can find great specials near you! The site had to be quick, clean, and very easy to use in an instance. Organizing thousands of specials is a challenge, so I knew these had to be broken down by day and area to truly make it useful for users.

I also got many questions on general recommendations, so I definitely wanted to add a blog for everyone to follow and see the latest hot spots in Charlotte! The food community is ever evolving so I wanted to keep people informed on the latest food related events, there is a shop with some cool gear, and even a kids eat free in Charlotte section! So far the feedback has been great and people are enjoying the site. Continue to stay on the lookout as we add more and more specials! Go ahead and find your special below!

Cory Wilkins